Programs using DOPS, Mini-CEX, Field Notes, Daily Cards or other workplace-based assessments in their practice are going to love this update. We’ve made a number of changes to our “self-send” tools that make it easier to launch new assessments, and select the correct person to evaluate.
Your learners and faculty can initiate a new assessment directly from their To Do page. When you are setting up an assessment, one45 guides you through choosing the relevant rotation or clerkship, and will suggest the person you’re most likely to assess or be assessed by. We’ve even included a small picture of the person you’re choosing to make sure you’re picking the right person.
Before you launch the new assessment we now give you a warning if the person you’re assessing, or being assessed by isn’t in the schedule to help avoid choosing the wrong rotation, dates, or person.
We’re pleased to be releasing these great new updates on our web-app today, and we are already working on bringing the same great features to our mobile app, which will make it even easier to initiate these assessments. For more information you can check out our updated support documentation.