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Maximizing your use of one45: Tips from the ICRE Program Administrators Conference


Program Administrators WorkshopLast week, I attended the ICRE conference in Toronto. The ICRE conference is always a great opportunity to catch up with clients and old friends and to learn about how users are using the one45 system.

This year, one45 was once again invited by the Royal College to host a workshop at the ICRE Program Administrators Conference. I get really excited when program administrators approach us wondering how they can take advantage of all that one45 has to offer. Our presentation on “Tips and Tricks for Seasoned Program Administrators” was attended by close to 100 Program Administrators! Additionally, Joane VanBergen, the one45 Super Administrator at the University of Ottawa presented two sessions on “Going paperless with one45” which also received an impressive turn out.

I know that Program Administrators are very busy and it is difficult to find the time to explore the one45 system, so these sessions are a great opportunity to learn more about one45 and share best practices with colleagues. This got me thinking that it would be great to post some of the ideas that came out of these sessions so that if you didn’t attend the ICRE conference this year, you can still learn from how others are using the system.

Here are the top 5 tools and features that require a minimal time investment to set up in your one45 system, but will result in substantial time savings (in no particular order):

  1. Attach handouts to your rotations. Do you manually send out your rotation objectives to learners and faculty each block? Eliminate this work by attaching rotation objectives in the one45 system. Learners and faculty can log into their one45 account to view this information at any time, removing the need to email the information. During orientation, explain that this is where the information is stored, and learners/faculty are expected to review this information prior to starting a rotation. You can even audit who has viewed the material! Click here for more information.
  2. Use the “custom pattern” tool to send mid-point evaluation forms. Do you send your evaluation forms more often than just the end of the rotation? By default, the one45 system only sends evaluations forms at the end of the rotation (regardless of block length), but you can set up automated midpoint evaluation forms using our custom patterns feature. For more information, click here.
  3. Send bulk email reminders to users with incomplete forms. Do you have a low completion rate of forms for your program? Sending out email reminders could help! In one click, you can send a reminder to all users that have incomplete forms. Click here for more information.
  4. Set up rotation heads and mentors. Are you manually sending evaluation data to another program? Do you have any faculty that mentor your learners? Instead of manually sharing this information, you can give a faculty access to view evaluations, schedules, logs and grades of a particular learner directly within the faculty’s one45 account. Click here for more information. Also, you can eliminate the manual work of sending evaluations that your learners have completed on an off site rotation using the rotation head tool. Click here to learn more.
  5. Send faculty feedback to them directly in the one45 system. Are you manually creating reports on each of your faculty each year? This important process can be set up in the one45 system with ease! Our releasable reports tool allows you to disseminate learner feedback to the To Do box of the faculty. It also has additional benefit of allowing you to track who has viewed their data and you can require the faculty to comment on the feedback that they’ve received. You can prove at accreditation that you have sent this information! Click here for more information.

Following the success of our ICRE workshops, we are considering a full-day one45 User Conference in 2015 to share tips like these and more. Would you be interested in joining? If so, please drop me a line to pre-register!

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